An anime about a vampire hunter and a tragic romance

hand with mouth

An anime about a vampire hunter and a tragic romance

This time, I will talk about an anime that, although I had seen individual fragments, I had not been able to watch it in its entirety until very recently: Vampire Hunter D: Boodlust.

Some fun facts

The film is based on the novels created by Hideyuki Kikuchi, specifically, the third novel: Demon Deathchase (although it is a free adaptation).

Hideyuki Kikuchi has cited the Dracula films, created by Hammer, as his first inspirations in the horror genre.

Meyer Link
Meyer Link

The story world

The story is set in the distant future where, once, vampires controlled the world. They created all kinds of supernatural beings and mutants, through genetic engineering, combined with magic. Finally, they planned a nuclear war. All this led to their decline and the emergence of a caste of vampire hunters allowed humans to regain control, little by little.

D, a dhampir (a being that is half human, half vampire), wanders through these lands. In his left hand lives a symbiote in the shape of a talking mouth. This symbiote tells him what to do and has the power to absorb the energy of their enemies. The symbiote also makes comments about what D thinks or feels, which compensates for D’s introverted nature.

Before we continue, spoiler alert: If you’re thinking about watching the movie, you should stop reading now.

The plot

A vampire named Meyer Link kidnaps young Charlotte. Her father hires D to rescue her, but he also hires another group of hunters known as the Markus brothers, each with their own powers and abilities. The pay: 20 million dollars. So both teams start competing.

Meyer Link
Meyer Link

But things get complicated when one of the hunters becomes D’s romantic interest and, on top of that, they suspect that Charlotte may have gone with Meyer voluntarily.

Meyer and Charlotte plan to flee together in a rocket ship to another planet. But to do this they must ask for the help of Carmilla, the queen of vampires. Carmilla promises to help but… Will she keep her word? You’ll have to watch it to find out.


Other adaptations

A game was created for PlayStation with the same name. The player takes control of D, who is offered a reward for entering Castle Chayffre and rescuing Charlotte, from the vampire Meyer Link. Also, D must save himself from an even greater evil lurking in that place.

Here the trailer:



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